B = Business
U = You the person
T = Technician
In working with business owners, business growth is applicable to U (you). Your personal development strategy and plan is clearly relatable to how much money you earn. Aside from personal development is the consideration to the following areas:
Development of you includes:
- Your health
- Mental state
- Long relationships
- Personal interests/hobbies
- Social skills
- Personal development
- Family responsibilities
For long jeopardy in business the development of your business skills are a fundamental. Multiply your results by outsourcing the areas you are weak or are not entirely excited about doing and work with your strengths.
Development of business includes:
- Accounting
- Budgeting
- IT
- Staff
- Marketing
- Sales
- Systems
- Business plans
- Multiple income streams
Specialists in niche areas earn the top dollars. They also have a referral-based business and they name their availability, terms and conditions.
Development of the technician includes
- Becoming a specialist in a chosen field. Ideally the area you are most passionate to work in.
- Regularly attending workshops, reading and listening to other experts in your chosen specialist area.
- Regular reading of journals, web surfing, books and developing skill in a specialist field
- Regular writing of articles, blogs and a commitment to educating your clients
In an unbalanced world juggling all three of these principles is the challenge we face. The first stage is awareness. As business owners we have a fair amount of responsibility to ourselves, our businesses and our professions. Constant evaluation and assessment, input from mentors and consideration to what needs to be done is a great way to survive.