It was an awesome time. Everyday consisted of early training sessions, then a big breakfast down by Cronulla beach followed by a few hours on the Nintendo at one of the boy’s house, where five or six would gather to see who would star. Lunch was followed by an afternoon nap. Afternoons were filled with more eating before team training at night. Life as a rugby league player was great.
There were other perks including sponsored dinners, free clothing and golf invitations. Weekends we played hard on the field and then would consume approximately our bodyweight in alcohol that night. Mixing it with the supporters, fans and party goers insured there was always a single guy who would have a story or two to tell at recovery sessions with a small element of truth.
Business success has a lot to do with who you hang around. From my own experience who you hang around strongly influences thoughts, how you spend your time and money. It impacts the kind of lifestyle you lead which determines your results
Let me explain.
From the outside I imagine the lifestyle of a rugby league player may sound attractive to some. However the outcome was this, I slept too much and became lazy. If nothing was scheduled in I would just hang around or sleep. I became great at burping and farting and in fact could pull one out on cue. That is the result of consuming a loaf of bread and buckets of pasta everyday as well as hanging around a bunch of guys eating the same gas producing foods in a very competitive environment. Everything was linked to a competition. I was one of the best Nintendo players around but struggled to hold a conversation with anyone who wasn’t a “leaguey”. My mates and I could have bought a brewery with the amount of money we pumped through some of the local night spots. Physically I was fit but mentally I had nothing. The brain just was not being stimulated or educated.
The result was a promising career that ended quickly, the good money I earned I spent, I related alcohol to a good time only and hanging around a bunch a great guys who had to much spare time on their hands led to gossiping and bitching and division in the group.
List who you spend most of your time with and how are their results?
The last couple of years have meant I have had to invest a lot of time and money into myself to shake some of those old habits. It hasn’t been easy.
Fortunately I now get to hang around guys who earn a million plus dollars per year. It is amazing the influence this has had in my thoughts and where I do and DON’T spend my time.
If you want to earn the big bucks you need to consider who you currently hang around and more importantly who you need to hang around. Who you hang around determines your business success.
Hang around with people every month that make hundreds of thousands of dollars by subscribing to our monthly podcast from the PT Plus website.
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