It is a bit like this with Carly, she whinges and whines about her life for each and every session. We talk about how unhappy she is at work, how fat she has become, why she can't get a boyfriend, how her parents are wrong blah, blah, blah and on it goes.
In regards to her health, she needs to lose body fat as she is straight out of the syndrome x textbook and moving towards diabetes. She is unmotivated to train, so if she doesn’t train with me, exercise is a foreign word in her life. She eats all the wrong foods and binges. Finally she has no ambition or goals; she has no desire to achieve anything with her health and in her life.
Also Carly hangs out with other Carly’s and talks about Carly stuff. So from a business perspective Carly brings to the table:
- A zapping of my energy levels
- A negative thought process
- All her issues
- A lot of my resources and time
- Zero referrals
As Personal Trainers one of the things we regularly do is say yes to everyone. I enjoy a challenge and in saying yes to Carly, knew that I was taking on someone who would benefit from the factors of working with a PT. However Carly was not willing to help herself.
The lesson of the Carly story is sack your energy vampire clients. Life without Carly is so much more enjoyable.
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