27 November 2008

Ivan Frangi - BBC07

Ivan Frangi - BBC07

To get excited for Business Bootcamp 2009, please have a listen to a segment of Business Bootcamp 2007!

10 November 2008


Ah anxiety; that nauseous, gut-wrenching feeling that starts in your stomach and plays with your mind. The result is quite often procrastination or a paralysis similar to a deer caught in the headlights of an approaching car on a dark night. Anxiety over time stops movement.

We are the only known species to have developed a frontal lobe as an extension to a normal part of our brain. In fact for 70 million years our brains developed similar to most species before growing what science has called the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe gives us an amazing ability to think forward and develop a business plan, to start a savings plan or to eat well now so that we will be healthier later in life.

If our current situation is great our future is even better thanks to our frontal lobe. However when we hit a rough patch we see future problems. This ability causes the emotions of fear and anxiousness. Because we don’t have control of the future and it looks ugly, our fight or flight mechanism kicks in and stops us from moving forward. What a cool process for survival!! Not so when your in a state of reflux caused by rising stomach acid as a result of anxiety. This is a sign to stop and review.

If you find you get a bit caught up in the future, as opposed to living in the present then there is every chance that you will be the anxious kind. Know that all you can do is your best possible effort today and then prepare for tomorrow. You cannot control future outcomes and if you get too caught up in the future, what will you enjoy about today? I read somewhere that life’s gold nuggets are our great past memories, you can look forward to a diamond like future but the platinum moment is the present.

In times when the financial future is painted as bleak, learn to enjoy the current moment, it’s all you have right now and it is not so bad.

03 November 2008

i might wait until i am fit!

Have you ever had this response 'I might wait until I am fit'. A potential client who was thinking about using your services to get fit and healthy comes in and goes through the whole induction process only to decide 'I might wait until I am fit before I join your program'. As health professionals we know their results can be fast tracked by a personalised plan and professional input. So why go and get fit incorrectly and risk slipping back into old habits as opposed to working with someone who has a vested interest in your success and will provide the best advice? I have never been able to understand that thought process.

In our world as health and fitness professionals we may know it as the 'I might wait until I am fit' syndrome but be aware it is not only our clients who are prone to this kind of mindset, it is very standard for most humans to go through this phase in other areas of their life. As business owners we will wait for the next course before we increase our rate or next year until we see that corporate client or later to action that big idea. Well the sun, stars and moon very rarely align and you will need to take action. Action cures waiting.

It is a bit like that game you played as a child where you would spin around 10 times and then try to walk straight. Sometimes our lives are spinning so fast that we fail to walk directly and grab the opportunities available.

What are you waiting to get fit for? Is it more money, setting up your own facility, starting a speaking career, increasing your rates or how about your best year of revenue ever? Avoid waiting until you get fit and in borrowing a Bransonism (Sir Richard Bransons) 'Screw it, just do it!'

If you feel that you want to get 'Business fit' go to our website at www.ptplus.com.au for a range of free tools to help you get started. If you want to fast track your success contact our office on info@ptplus.com.au to discuss the best way to get started.