Circumstance 1: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was able to turn off the shock by nudging the bar with his nose.
Circumstance 2: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was unable to turn off or change the circumstance no matter what he tried.
Circumstance 3: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was given a mixed version of circumstance 1 and 2.
After a few weeks of this 'therapy' all the dogs were put in a small box with sides that allowed the dog to jump out, when probed. Dogs 1 and 3 jumped out of the situation, whilst dog 2 simply gave up and laid down. Seligman had discovered that whenever the efforts to change results seem fruitless the expected behaviour will be to lay down and surrender.
This test was repeated using humans and the exact behaviour was confirmed. Helplessness according to Seligman, sits between pessimism and optimism. For a more detailed overview I suggest reading Seligman’s book titled 'Learned Optimism' for a more thorough overview and detailed explanation. Awesome read.
In striving to achieve business goals, when all around you seems hopeless and there looks like there is no way out you will feel like laying down and giving up. It will be emotion, passion, purpose and desire that drive you from despair. When you feel like you are getting zapped from all directions financially and personally in time consuming activities, it will be the change between the ears that will be the most significant. The lesson is in the journey and quite often we learn the most when we are in tough situations. A common observation of successful business owners is that of having your back against the wall and being in a position of having to fight your way out.
If you find yourself in this position you need to pull yourself up again and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Fight for your cause ethically, stay true to your values and know your on track. Ask yourself, what is the lesson? Then keep on trekking wiser for your journey.
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