Do you feel as though you have the equivalent of a gold nugget in a business idea but are uncertain what to do next?
Understand that health is the gold nugget that most of our population is looking for and your big idea has never been in a better situation to really enjoy what's coming your way. With the advent of the 'information age' the demand for healthy information from the greater population has seen 80% people go to the internet first before consulting a doctor. Readers Digest report that 50% of all internet hits are health related. This is a concerning outcome, however the reality is that this is how modern business is done. In fact if you can get better at developing modern skills of business, you will find yourself a part of the current gold rush the industry is experiencing.
A 'Gold Rush' is that sudden wave of migration to new territory because gold had been discovered. In the health and fitness industry it seems that the indicators for our own gold rush are evident in these early days of the new decade. If we look at the gap between healthy people, like you, and sickness the gap is widening in a majority of the population. The bridge to reducing this gap lies in education and information. Let me remind you that we are in the information age, where information is a commodity. Healthy people, like you, are healthy because they have educated themselves via attending conferences, reading books, surfing the web and paying for good advice and information. This information is a commodity that is transferable for dollars in the current global market.
The information age is certainly easier than digging through the layers of earth in the hope of finding a nugget. The answers lay within the depths of your frontal lobe. Putting together information products is the skill of extracting that information and putting it in front of your target market who will happily pay for the information.
Are you a flash in the pan or gold finding expert?
Hundreds of thousands of people hit the gold fields with a lantern, tent, shovel and pick in the hope that they would find gold. A flash in the pan was what they where looking for amoungst the rocks, dust and debri. The 'flash in the planners' survived on hope and luck.
Others developed their skills by using maps, studying geology, testing for minerals and paid for qualified advice while taking a considered approach before lifting a shovel. They became experts in the skill of finding gold.
This year thousands of business owners in the business of health and fitness will forage and shovel hoping for the flash in the pan. Using traditional business models and old techniques they will find it a back-breaking experience. A few will strike gold however the experts will continue to enjoy the gold rush as they work and develop their business skills by staying current with their tactics, further develop themselves and continue to understand the needs of the market by providing great quality service.
To join experts and to cash in on the information age gold rush, we have 6 spots available for you to develop and record your own CD series as well as put together a range of supporting e-books. We estimate a minimum $10,000++ in extra revenue by developing these products. Using our technology and experts for support you can be cashing in on the huge demand for health and fitness information required by the market. 'Develop your own information products' starts January 31st and is a 3 month coaching program that you can use over and over throughout your business.
Click here for more information.
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