30 September 2010

Vision Personal Trainer of the year 2009 - Jason Conroy

If you ask Jason to tell you of his achievements this year he would probably play it all down and say something like “I helped my clients, and did some events with the guys”. His modesty makes him a very special trainer and person. On the inside, this 22 year old has a burning desire to do his very best at everything he puts his name to and achieve every goal he sets. His passion and dedication to his clients and the Vision system is unlike anything I have witnessed before. His big smile, big heart and unwavering will to put the others around him first and front of him self, make him the person everyone wants to be around and aspires to be like.

So Jas, or as he is affectionately known as Duey (because he looks like Duey from the show Malcom in the Middle) came to us on the 15th of Sep 08 to start his career in the fitness industry. He formerly worked in the hospitality industry as a bar man and was well into the party lifestyle. He played a good level of soccer and golf and was surrounded by good mates but admits his circle of influence was the cause of a fun, but unproductive lifestyle.

The first time I realized we have someone special was in the way Jason attacked his mentor program. Like everything else he has done since then, he gave it everything. He lost over 50% of his body fat getting down to 4.4%. Jason had never run more then 5km before starting with us and in the first 2 weeks of his mentor program he completed his first event with the team; the September Half Marathon. Again he gave it everything and ran it in 90mins.

So Jason had bought into the team and the Vision system and now was sporting the red shirt and was unleashed onto the floor. It was an interesting time as Jason received a lot of negative feedback about his PT sessions from his clients. Clients dropped out unhappy with his standards. It was then that I wasn’t sure if Jason would put it all in the “too hard” basket and go back to partying with his mates on weekend benders, taking the very tempting but easy way out. Jason had a choice to make and to his credit he chose to change. Jason acted on every bit of feedback and became better. He finished 2008 by writing hand written letters to all his clients about how much he cared for them and how much he looked forward to helping them to their goals in 2009.

In the Dec 08 performance review, Jason set some really good goals. His number 1 12mth goal was to win the 2009 trainer of the year. It’s important to note Jason’s reason for wanting this wasn’t ego based. He wanted to achieve it because he knew in winning it he would have to be the very best and that gave him the best chance of being able to help his clients to their own goals. He committed to ask himself a small question before every session in 2009 – “ How would the Vision trainer of the year train this next client of mine?” To his credit he has asked himself that question over 20 times per day, every day of 2009.

So let’s move onto the year that was 2009. I am going to start by going through the lists of events that Jason has completed with the team and his clients this year.

He kicked off ’09 completing the Olympic distance Cronulla Triathlon. Before this Jason couldn’t swim. He actually got rescued by a life guard from the shallow end of a swimming pool in training for the event. He somehow got through the heavy surf at Cronulla and got to the finish line.

Jason then completed the May half marathon. He had set a goal of 85mins. Jason has asthma and at the 15km mark in the race he had an asthma attack. He was pulled off by the first aiders and given treatment. As soon as he stopped hyperventilating he jumped back into the race and somehow managed to still run 91mins. 99% of us would have called it quits devastated. Again Jason asked himself a question when the attack subsided “what would the trainer of the year do?” again he made a very admirable choice.

Up to the Gold coast Jason went to run in his first marathon. He had trained really well but in the last 6 weeks had suffered from torn ankle ligaments. He chose just to have a go and do his best and completed the 42km course in under 3hrs 30mins in a lot of pain. Although he hurt you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face afterwards.

Backing up from the Gold coast with only 9 weeks preparation Jason competed in his first bodybuilding competition with the Willoughby team along side him. During his preparation he still managed to run the City 2 Surf with a 62yr old client that Jas helped lose 20kg and helped teach to run. Jason was in the best shape of his life on stage and inspired all of his team mates that competed along side him with his dedication to his nutrition and exercise volume. It was an amazing day.

What about this. 1 week after the bodybuilding comp Jason completed his second marathon for the year again completing it in around 3:30. It was an all heart effort considering he had done nil running training for the event.

Jason then finished the events for the year by completing the Curl Curl 3 point challenge. That event is 3 x biathlon’s back to back; ocean swims and runs. Jason finished and wasn’t rescued from the ocean in process, a double win on that one.

Probably the highlight for me in his fitness achievements for ’09 was winning the beep test at the Feb 09 Vision summit. Some of you may remember it. Going into it we all new he wasn’t the best athlete competing. Before the event I wished him good luck he whispered in my ear “I will win this for the Willoughby team”. Jason put himself through so much pain that day to make his team mates feel proud again putting others first. That sums it all I recon.

So that’s the fitness stuff summed up lets talk about what happened on the studio floor with Jason in 09.

In the June 09 performance review he got 93%

In the Dec 09 performance review he scored 83%.

His average PT hours for the year are 35.7hrs. On top of this he takes Xtraining and running club weekly. He also does 3 – 5 hrs of lead generation for the business every week. Jason comes into the studio to work unpaid most Sundays to help find leads and grow the business. He does this because he wants to help and asks nothing in return.

In the last 12 mths Jason has got 36 referrals.

Jason won trainer of the challenge in Feb training 4/6 winners. He then took out the title again, winning Sep 09 Trainer of the challenge back to back. That’s a first for any trainer that I have seen in my Vision career.

One thing that makes me so happy is how well Jason is working towards goals outside of Vision. In Dec 08 Jason was a few thousand dollars in debt but set a goal of owning his first property. In one year he has managed to clear his debts and save $15 000 to date towards a deposit on a property that he is looking to purchase next year.

So that’s it. I really hope that Jason receives this well deserved award not only for himself but to show other trainers in the network what is possible when your heart is in the right place and you are prepared to make the right decisions on a daily basis. I want to thank Jason on a personal level for being in my circle of influence and for teaching me not only how to be a better person but how to be a better trainer and how to help more people. You’re an amazing person Jason, I have never been surer then I am with you that all your dreams will manifest themselves into reality.

Love you heaps mate


Team mate of Jason Conroy

Vision Willoughby.

20 September 2010

Lessons from Christchurch

How to survive difficult times

The unfortunate circumstances of the earthquake in Christchurch have left many business owners in a financial predicament. Those following the traditional PT model seemed to be hardest hit as they previously judged their business success on the number of PT sessions completed each week.

Having personally made a similar mistake in thinking I was successful at having 40-50 hours of PT booked every week , my realization came in the 8 week premature birth of our second child Kye. With a two year old daughter, a seriously sick wife and a business requiring me to turn up to be paid I lost 12 weeks of income putting huge financial pressure on a young family by being ignorant.. From that day forward I committed to diversifying and building a business that didn’t require me to turn up to work to get paid. Now I am fortunate enough to teach this skill, to others.

Understanding the traditional PT style of business is flawed and unfortunate circumstances like the earthquake(s) in Christchurch highlight the problems with this traditional model, we can’t judge those unfortunate PT’s and business owners but simply learn a hard lesson and go forward.

Here are 5 things to consider when looking to diversify your income

1. Inquire about our 17 income stream model to decide the direction of you and your career/business.

2. Set up a sales system in your business so that you have more qualified leads more often.

3. Build an online platform so that you open up a bigger market and cash in on a very topical subject, one that is being ‘googled’ and searched right now by billions of people – health!

4. Follow a proven model to diversification rather than try and reinvent the wheel

5. Read business books, attend business conferences, get qualified business advice and hang around with other like-minded business owners so that you can fast track your success.

Out of hard times, come a lesson. To help the people of Christchurch get their businesses

back to helping more people, more often, we have a free workshop on the 27th September

to do our bit to help a very beautiful town and it's wonderful people move forward. If you live in Christchurch and need some business support then contact us via email at info@ptplus.com.au for more information.

18 September 2010

The best client in the world

How would you’re life look with one client paying you tens of thousands of dollars per year? A client who understands value in your product and services and who not only benefits from the results but refers other like-minded clients.

This is not a dream but in fact a reality for a lot of ‘fitnesspreneurs’ cashing in on the very lucrative corporate market. This dream is becoming more of a reality with recent changes in Government legislation as decision makers start to realize the demands of the modern work environment are contributing to the ill-health and affecting profitability of business. The solution in a lot of instances is someone like you. But how does the Corporate Health market work and what does it involve?

The problem with most health and fitness people is that they are offering the wrong solutions to a market that is crying out for healthy help and support. “Fitnesspreneurs’ are people who see a healthy opportunity and grab it. Most people sit around talking about it, but fail in the process of action that gets results. 2011 looks to be offering one of the best opportunities for those who put action around one of the best clients in the world, that of a corporate health market. Our mission is to support leading business owners in getting them started in the marketplace. We have a range of different free resources for those that need a bit more of an understanding and want to build their confidence as well as some proven programs and resources for those that are ready. Either way let’s get you started on understanding the corporate health market-

1. Understanding most trainers, studios and gyms have exisitng clients who work a job, you initially have a captive audience. Getting started can be as simple as asking leading questions to existing clients around the kind of things they are currently doing and being offered in regards to corporate health and fitness in their corporate environment.

2. Send out a survey to ‘decision makers’ and rather than invent a package or program that you think might work, let your market tell you what they want and then decide if you can deliver.

3. Start reading business books, financial papers, listen to business news and hanging around business people. Increasing your knowledge of these people and businesses will only contribute to a better financial outcome and more specific product.

4. Invest time and money on proven resources, coaching and business advice rather than waste time trying to reinvent the wheel by doing it yourself. The market has never been more lucrative and open to change but you need to do something different to what you have always done.

5. Increase your prices – as a sign of respect to yourself and in telling yourself you are serious about stepping into this market. Increasing your rates is a significant positioning point in discussion. Think about the senior manager who wants the best program for his team. If the options were the $60 per hour personal trainer whom he has a good relationship with but is unproven or the $3000.00 per day consultant. My experience tells me the $3000.00 consultant will win 9/10 on pricing.

Get busy learning and doing your homework and then decide what you next action should be. If you want to see how you score in the Corporate health market then email us at info@ptplus.com.au for a free corporate health business resource that will help define what you need to work on in order that you have the best clients in the world.