20 September 2010

Lessons from Christchurch

How to survive difficult times

The unfortunate circumstances of the earthquake in Christchurch have left many business owners in a financial predicament. Those following the traditional PT model seemed to be hardest hit as they previously judged their business success on the number of PT sessions completed each week.

Having personally made a similar mistake in thinking I was successful at having 40-50 hours of PT booked every week , my realization came in the 8 week premature birth of our second child Kye. With a two year old daughter, a seriously sick wife and a business requiring me to turn up to be paid I lost 12 weeks of income putting huge financial pressure on a young family by being ignorant.. From that day forward I committed to diversifying and building a business that didn’t require me to turn up to work to get paid. Now I am fortunate enough to teach this skill, to others.

Understanding the traditional PT style of business is flawed and unfortunate circumstances like the earthquake(s) in Christchurch highlight the problems with this traditional model, we can’t judge those unfortunate PT’s and business owners but simply learn a hard lesson and go forward.

Here are 5 things to consider when looking to diversify your income

1. Inquire about our 17 income stream model to decide the direction of you and your career/business.

2. Set up a sales system in your business so that you have more qualified leads more often.

3. Build an online platform so that you open up a bigger market and cash in on a very topical subject, one that is being ‘googled’ and searched right now by billions of people – health!

4. Follow a proven model to diversification rather than try and reinvent the wheel

5. Read business books, attend business conferences, get qualified business advice and hang around with other like-minded business owners so that you can fast track your success.

Out of hard times, come a lesson. To help the people of Christchurch get their businesses

back to helping more people, more often, we have a free workshop on the 27th September

to do our bit to help a very beautiful town and it's wonderful people move forward. If you live in Christchurch and need some business support then contact us via email at info@ptplus.com.au for more information.

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