Understand it is a lot like the newspaper. As a sports nut I flick the back of the newspaper over and read the headline. 'Cronulla beats premiers' gets me excited and I continue to read on. Why? Well it’s a sport and a team I follow. It is in my interest zone and the headline caught my attention and it deserves my time.
Now look at your last attempt at an expensive brochure, also consider your business card or current marketing campaign. Are you talking apples and dumbbells or metabolic syndrome typing phasic holistic? Sorry you just missed the important 15 seconds of attracting the attention of your market.
'Australia wins gold in synchronized swimming' As I flick over the paper and read the headline I acknowledge a gold medal however my level of excitement for synchronized swimming is a lot lower than that of rugby league. So I turn the paper over and head on off to work.
Who cares if you have new treadmills, the amount of letters after your name, under new management or free session. Your clients want to know what is in it for them!
Consider these headlines 'Want to fit back into your jeans?', 'How to remove the muffin top', 'Your right! Exercise is not fun'. These are examples of sensational headlines that you then need to deliver a reason for connecting with your market. Understand that the headline is just the headline you then need quality content to deliver key words and a marketing message. However put some serious thought into the headline.
Understand your market by connecting with them in their words, not the words of the health and fitness industry and watch your lead generation increase for the market you are trying to attract.
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