If we define marketing, it is the ability to ‘get’ new clients, ‘keep’ clients and ‘grow’ the business then a combination of traditional style marketing like brochures, advertising, business cards and letterbox drops combined with a modern approach of online strategies is an effective way to ‘get’ and ‘grow’ any business.
There are a multiple of strategies that fit into the online strategy. Your key objective is to increase search engine optimisation (SEO) by having a high listing on any of the online searches. Also any great marketing campaign should be measured so that you get an understanding of what works in the market place, so try a variety of techniques.
In getting started in building your SEO a website is a necessity. Now there are two kinds of websites. An expensive brochure that sits on the world wide web or an interactive income producing website. Let’s talk about the later as a much more efficient way to increase online awareness. Income producing websites have information products like audio downloads, e-books, visual downloads, are interactive for the user with blogs, forums or chat rooms, shopping carts to purchase goods and a members section. These allow ‘browsers’ to purchase a wide range of products plus allow a client the chance to get to know your business. A key consideration is ‘key search words’ to help increase SEO. As a personal trainer consider ‘key search words’ that a typical client would type into a search engine like Google with regards to finding a personal trainer. Words like ‘weight loss’, ‘fat loss’, ‘fitness’ and ‘personal trainer’ would be typical words. By including these words on your website, blogs, chat rooms, forums, social networking sites and anything else you have online then you increase your SEO. In answering your question a combination of having your own site as well as sharing information via other sites is a very smart techniques towards building an effective online marketing strategy.
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