In an industry that is dominated by '9 week weight loss challenges', '6 week bootcamps' and slim-down this and get big that, I thought it fair that you all get a bit of what you have been dishing out! Here is a 90 day business challenge.
Why a 90 day challenge?
1. It will set you up for a huge 2010
2. The work you do this month will determine your bank balance in January 2010
3. By allowing 90 days for your return on investment you are setting a great expectation towards your business plans and goals for 2010.
"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Peter F. Drucker
If we go back and review these health challenge programs, they all have similar measures. Details like:
1. Recording what you eat
2. Train 3 times per week
3. Drink lots of water
4. Use a trainer
and as part of the challenge you get a free shirt, water bottle and backpack!
As health professionals, some of the things that we preach to our clients for these health challenges; transfer to our businesses. So in developing 90 day business challenges, like all the good health challenges mentioned earlier, you need measurable outcomes. So here they are:
1. 90 day timeframe - to get a results in business you need to start marketing. It needs to be as consistent as training 3 times per week for 9 weeks of fitness. Just like a great training plan it needs to be targeted, specific and relevant to your outcomes
2. Record your daily actions and direct them at a business strategy - so many people get caught up in the daily 'do-ing' and 'busy-ness', that they just do, do and do. It serves as the lifeline towards you and your goal.
3. Put in lots of good stuff - listening, reading and developing your self on a daily basis is the equivalent to drinking water. It serves as the lifeline towards you and your goals.
4. Use a coach - sometimes I have had the best 'this is it' intentions, only to be pulled away by other things. Checking in with someone regularly indicates commitment, positively reinforces your dedication to a goal and a good catch will provide support and guidance during the inevitable tough parts of the journey.
The great thing about a 90 day challenge is that it will set you up for a great start to 2010. While most people are putting things off to the New Year, you can start the year in your best form and conditioned, for whatever it is you want from 2010.
16 November 2009
14 October 2009
follow a business model
Making money via building a business has been around for tens of thousands of years. It is not a new concept. The principals for building a business have remained the same since our first medieval transactions of incense and silk rugs. Many lessons have been scribed into books 'seeking counsel' or 'meeting of the minds'. It is consistent throughout time.
So why try to reinvent the wheel?
So many 'fitnesspreneurs' try and go against what time has taught them and spend a lot of time coming up with their own business model. Use what works and become a master of working a proven business model for all it's worth.
I recently presented in Auckland, New Zealand in front of a crowd of 120 people on the topic of 'business building'. In the crowd sat a guy by the name of Norm Phillips. Norm is one of the pioneers of the industry. Starting back in the 1980's in Perth instructing groups of people wearing matching leg warmers and headbands, doing grapevines. Some 30 years later in a room of 120, Norm, who probably should have been conducting the whole event with his amount of industry knowledge and experience, put his hand into his wallet and was one of a handful of people to invest in the product offering. You need to know that this guy sits at the pinnacle of management roles running a Les Mills PT division of 80 trainers in Auckland. He is the master of working a proven business model and has done so most of his life. Norm is still very committed to sharpening the saw.
We teach a model of adding systems and direction to a great attitude. Delete time wasting activities, energy vampires and 'seek counsel' on roadblocks. The key ingredient to the model is to multiply your results via increasing sales, adding support and marketing. Finally divide your day into working in and 'on' the business, identify your target markets and have multiple income streams. For a more comprehensive overview click here to receive a complimentary e-book.
This model has been written by successful 'fitnesspreneurs' for 'fitnesspreneurs' who want to succeed. So enjoy the read of the e-book and avoid reinventing the wheel and follow a proven business model.
So why try to reinvent the wheel?
So many 'fitnesspreneurs' try and go against what time has taught them and spend a lot of time coming up with their own business model. Use what works and become a master of working a proven business model for all it's worth.
I recently presented in Auckland, New Zealand in front of a crowd of 120 people on the topic of 'business building'. In the crowd sat a guy by the name of Norm Phillips. Norm is one of the pioneers of the industry. Starting back in the 1980's in Perth instructing groups of people wearing matching leg warmers and headbands, doing grapevines. Some 30 years later in a room of 120, Norm, who probably should have been conducting the whole event with his amount of industry knowledge and experience, put his hand into his wallet and was one of a handful of people to invest in the product offering. You need to know that this guy sits at the pinnacle of management roles running a Les Mills PT division of 80 trainers in Auckland. He is the master of working a proven business model and has done so most of his life. Norm is still very committed to sharpening the saw.
We teach a model of adding systems and direction to a great attitude. Delete time wasting activities, energy vampires and 'seek counsel' on roadblocks. The key ingredient to the model is to multiply your results via increasing sales, adding support and marketing. Finally divide your day into working in and 'on' the business, identify your target markets and have multiple income streams. For a more comprehensive overview click here to receive a complimentary e-book.
This model has been written by successful 'fitnesspreneurs' for 'fitnesspreneurs' who want to succeed. So enjoy the read of the e-book and avoid reinventing the wheel and follow a proven business model.
16 September 2009
a selling system
Without a selling system it is a bit like turning the key in the ignition and waiting or the car to start, without an engine. Whilst you may have a key to a business, without a system for generating sales you are going to find it difficult to keep moving forward at any pace. For long jeopardy in business you need to have a system for generating leads to your business to convert to sales. The problem with most health and fitness businesses is the owner is the technician, administrator, cleaner, accountant, client liaison officer and sales person while still trying to practice what they preach and live a healthy, well balanced life.
If you can place a selling system in your business it will help the all-important part of sales and revenue. So when you turn the key each morning it will go from a concerning clunking sound, with fear of moving forward to something firing like a V8 that can get you to your destination in record time.
The selling system we teach has a six-step process. Use all six and you get a desired outcome. Each one requires the other to work at capacity. Without one or two of these you are only firing on four cylinders as the cliché goes.
So lets get started on the six-step process.
1. psychology
When I say the word sales what words come to mind? ‘Evil’, ‘hard’, ‘yuck’, ‘terrifying’ and ‘difficult’ all have negative connotations. However ‘conversations’, ‘money’, ‘new clients’, ‘freedom’ and ‘holidays’ have a positive spin to the word. Consider your relationship with the word sales and chances are a negative interpretation of sales will land you poor results. Alternatively you may just enjoy the whole process and your business is showing the positive outcomes of a great relationship with sales. Understanding the fate of your business is decided by revenue. Too much revenue rarely creates the intense painful headaches that not enough revenue creates, assuming you are managing your expenses. So awareness around the psychology of selling is the place to start to create change in your business.
But why don’t I like sales?
Any event in life is a neutral event. What determines if an event is good or bad is your previous experience to that event. So, if you have had a bad experience with boyfriends (males) in your life your self-protection mechanism tells you to stay away from ones that look like previous boyfriends. It is the same with sales. You may have been ripped off, bought something you regret, have a perception about sales people that give the whole psychology a negative spin. Sales are not good or bad but purely a neutral event in your business life. Consider the influencing factors in your experience with sales.
You will need to deal with the psychology part of the process if you want a V8 business system. Sales are not good or bad just a neutral and normal event in any business. Decide to make it ‘good’ and it will serve you better.
2. lead generation
How exciting is business when you have a whole heap of fresh leads. New prospects considering your products or services are a revelation. It is very energizing and refreshing meeting new people. So lead generation consists of three key areas.
Our industry is strong in the traditional space of generating leads. So traditional marketing models follow brochures, free sessions, meetings, discounted memberships, radio, advertisements and many of the hard copy marketing techniques. These are ideal and the secret is to measure what works for you and your clientele.
Online techniques include a blog, website, social networking and search engine optimization as significant ways to open up opportunities in the www world of business. As an industry we are terrible in this space and miss a lot of opportunity by being slow to catch on to the new age technology and techniques.
Brand is everything. If you want long jeopardy in your business you need to develop a trustworthy, proven, recognizable and consistent brand. This takes place over time, however start small in your local community, build to a region and then based on your business goals you can take it to bigger places. Brand is everything from answering the phone, to your website, how you dress, the kind of articles you write are all part of the brand and need to be considered.
3. booking a meeting
Having leads is a great thing for business. Converting those leads to a meeting helps to qualify the commitment of the enquiry. I am surprised at the amount of guys who really struggle to get people in front of their great brand and business at this stage of booking a meeting. There are three ways to book in a meeting.
They are email, phone or face-to-face.
You need to be strong in all three. If you follow the selling system in order to get more business and pursue the ideal outcome of conducting a meeting. Chances are if you get you in front of most people you will sell them something. I assume they are qualified and ready to invest in their health and you are passionate about health, fitness and your services. So get good at booking in a meeting so that you can then conduct a meeting and give yourself a chance of getting more people into your business.
4. conducting a meeting
When you get in a face-to-face situation, understanding that the prospect has turned up on time, likes what they have heard so far and have made the time and effort to sit down and talk about their health then you are 90% of the way there. Here is a proven format to help take the sell out of selling when conducting a meeting.
Build a rapport
Get to know the person rather than dive into health conversations. What are their interests, family life, job?
Ask questions
The guy who best sums up this lesson is Alan Pease in his great book ‘Questions are the answers’. Simply buy the book by becoming a member on our book and audio program.
Show value
If you can identify with the person during the build rapport stage and ask open-ended questions chances are you can then show value-based products on what the person has told you they need. Showing value is not just about your service but the bells and whistles, guarantees, terms and conditions and other inclusions that are involved in working with you and your service or product. Rather than discount and cut prices look to show value as a better way to make a sale.
Identify obstacles
So what will stop you? Are there any roadblocks?
These are the key questions to ask in identifying obstacles. So many fitness people never ask clients “is there anything that has stopped you in the past” is a great question when identifying potential barriers. This open conversation early will put you in the hot seat as a guru. If you don’t ask it in the meeting phase chances are the same obstacle that has been holding the person back will appear in week 2, 3 or 4 of your great program.
Confirm the sale
Once you have confirmed the best program, package and price for your client then confirm that verbally. If you have followed the earlier steps then they have told you all of this and all you need to do is repeat the process a second time and confirm the sale. A sale is a sale when you have them signing the dotted line.
Stay in touch
This fits in with point six of our selling system and should the meeting go pear shaped and terrible at least ask permission to stay in touch. Alternatively you may have an energy vampire or someone you don’t think you want to hang around for a few hours per week and then you can show them some other alternatives. It is impossible to get along with everyone so it is fine to come up with a plan B. Maybe send them off to your competitor!
5. sales tools
So many fitness dudes and dudettes rely on showing clients how many courses they have completed or the letters after their name, years in the industry, their gold medal from a body building competition etc. You have just disengaged the client. The sales process is not about you it’s about the prospect. Serve their needs. Here are some sales tools that will help you buy credibility rather than talk about yourself. Articles, blogs, a health model, questionnaires, diagnostics, website, chat rooms, downloads, DVD’s, CD’s.
6. follow up
Whilst a ‘no’ is never a ‘no’ until you get a ‘no’ there is a fine line between being a stalker and letting people walk away to make a decision. Consider the process of follow up with people especially if you have put your valuable time into the system outlined earlier. In having a good sales system you should convert 80-90% of people if you follow the suggested system we discuss here. However for the 10-20% who need more time or are not quite ready, then consider what you do to keep them in your ‘circle of trust’ as highlighted in the great movie ‘Meet the Fockers’. Some simple techniques are to:
a. put them on your database and send them your regular newsletter
b. give them a casual call every month and talk about everything other than selling them your services
c. send them one of our sales tools like an article, download or CD every once in a while with a
personalized hand written note to stay in touch
Finally learn that this should be fun. If you are chasing the good old dollar and want to rip people off than you are doomed. If you honestly believe you can help people and are passionate about what you do than you are on track. Like anything in life this is just a skill. Do your first five and really suck and fail at it. Do a thousand and it will become something that is natural and comfortable. Most importantly is having a system and reviewing your performance. Leave it with you!
If you can place a selling system in your business it will help the all-important part of sales and revenue. So when you turn the key each morning it will go from a concerning clunking sound, with fear of moving forward to something firing like a V8 that can get you to your destination in record time.
The selling system we teach has a six-step process. Use all six and you get a desired outcome. Each one requires the other to work at capacity. Without one or two of these you are only firing on four cylinders as the cliché goes.
So lets get started on the six-step process.
1. psychology
When I say the word sales what words come to mind? ‘Evil’, ‘hard’, ‘yuck’, ‘terrifying’ and ‘difficult’ all have negative connotations. However ‘conversations’, ‘money’, ‘new clients’, ‘freedom’ and ‘holidays’ have a positive spin to the word. Consider your relationship with the word sales and chances are a negative interpretation of sales will land you poor results. Alternatively you may just enjoy the whole process and your business is showing the positive outcomes of a great relationship with sales. Understanding the fate of your business is decided by revenue. Too much revenue rarely creates the intense painful headaches that not enough revenue creates, assuming you are managing your expenses. So awareness around the psychology of selling is the place to start to create change in your business.
But why don’t I like sales?
Any event in life is a neutral event. What determines if an event is good or bad is your previous experience to that event. So, if you have had a bad experience with boyfriends (males) in your life your self-protection mechanism tells you to stay away from ones that look like previous boyfriends. It is the same with sales. You may have been ripped off, bought something you regret, have a perception about sales people that give the whole psychology a negative spin. Sales are not good or bad but purely a neutral event in your business life. Consider the influencing factors in your experience with sales.
You will need to deal with the psychology part of the process if you want a V8 business system. Sales are not good or bad just a neutral and normal event in any business. Decide to make it ‘good’ and it will serve you better.
2. lead generation
How exciting is business when you have a whole heap of fresh leads. New prospects considering your products or services are a revelation. It is very energizing and refreshing meeting new people. So lead generation consists of three key areas.
Our industry is strong in the traditional space of generating leads. So traditional marketing models follow brochures, free sessions, meetings, discounted memberships, radio, advertisements and many of the hard copy marketing techniques. These are ideal and the secret is to measure what works for you and your clientele.
Online techniques include a blog, website, social networking and search engine optimization as significant ways to open up opportunities in the www world of business. As an industry we are terrible in this space and miss a lot of opportunity by being slow to catch on to the new age technology and techniques.
Brand is everything. If you want long jeopardy in your business you need to develop a trustworthy, proven, recognizable and consistent brand. This takes place over time, however start small in your local community, build to a region and then based on your business goals you can take it to bigger places. Brand is everything from answering the phone, to your website, how you dress, the kind of articles you write are all part of the brand and need to be considered.
3. booking a meeting
Having leads is a great thing for business. Converting those leads to a meeting helps to qualify the commitment of the enquiry. I am surprised at the amount of guys who really struggle to get people in front of their great brand and business at this stage of booking a meeting. There are three ways to book in a meeting.
They are email, phone or face-to-face.
You need to be strong in all three. If you follow the selling system in order to get more business and pursue the ideal outcome of conducting a meeting. Chances are if you get you in front of most people you will sell them something. I assume they are qualified and ready to invest in their health and you are passionate about health, fitness and your services. So get good at booking in a meeting so that you can then conduct a meeting and give yourself a chance of getting more people into your business.
4. conducting a meeting
When you get in a face-to-face situation, understanding that the prospect has turned up on time, likes what they have heard so far and have made the time and effort to sit down and talk about their health then you are 90% of the way there. Here is a proven format to help take the sell out of selling when conducting a meeting.
Build a rapport
Get to know the person rather than dive into health conversations. What are their interests, family life, job?
Ask questions
The guy who best sums up this lesson is Alan Pease in his great book ‘Questions are the answers’. Simply buy the book by becoming a member on our book and audio program.
Show value
If you can identify with the person during the build rapport stage and ask open-ended questions chances are you can then show value-based products on what the person has told you they need. Showing value is not just about your service but the bells and whistles, guarantees, terms and conditions and other inclusions that are involved in working with you and your service or product. Rather than discount and cut prices look to show value as a better way to make a sale.
Identify obstacles
So what will stop you? Are there any roadblocks?
These are the key questions to ask in identifying obstacles. So many fitness people never ask clients “is there anything that has stopped you in the past” is a great question when identifying potential barriers. This open conversation early will put you in the hot seat as a guru. If you don’t ask it in the meeting phase chances are the same obstacle that has been holding the person back will appear in week 2, 3 or 4 of your great program.
Confirm the sale
Once you have confirmed the best program, package and price for your client then confirm that verbally. If you have followed the earlier steps then they have told you all of this and all you need to do is repeat the process a second time and confirm the sale. A sale is a sale when you have them signing the dotted line.
Stay in touch
This fits in with point six of our selling system and should the meeting go pear shaped and terrible at least ask permission to stay in touch. Alternatively you may have an energy vampire or someone you don’t think you want to hang around for a few hours per week and then you can show them some other alternatives. It is impossible to get along with everyone so it is fine to come up with a plan B. Maybe send them off to your competitor!
5. sales tools
So many fitness dudes and dudettes rely on showing clients how many courses they have completed or the letters after their name, years in the industry, their gold medal from a body building competition etc. You have just disengaged the client. The sales process is not about you it’s about the prospect. Serve their needs. Here are some sales tools that will help you buy credibility rather than talk about yourself. Articles, blogs, a health model, questionnaires, diagnostics, website, chat rooms, downloads, DVD’s, CD’s.
6. follow up
Whilst a ‘no’ is never a ‘no’ until you get a ‘no’ there is a fine line between being a stalker and letting people walk away to make a decision. Consider the process of follow up with people especially if you have put your valuable time into the system outlined earlier. In having a good sales system you should convert 80-90% of people if you follow the suggested system we discuss here. However for the 10-20% who need more time or are not quite ready, then consider what you do to keep them in your ‘circle of trust’ as highlighted in the great movie ‘Meet the Fockers’. Some simple techniques are to:
a. put them on your database and send them your regular newsletter
b. give them a casual call every month and talk about everything other than selling them your services
c. send them one of our sales tools like an article, download or CD every once in a while with a
personalized hand written note to stay in touch
Finally learn that this should be fun. If you are chasing the good old dollar and want to rip people off than you are doomed. If you honestly believe you can help people and are passionate about what you do than you are on track. Like anything in life this is just a skill. Do your first five and really suck and fail at it. Do a thousand and it will become something that is natural and comfortable. Most importantly is having a system and reviewing your performance. Leave it with you!
setting up your own studio
The dream for many personal trainers is to one day have their own studio business. There are many options and considerations in going through the process of the set up stage. A studio can be a highly leveraged and income producing business or it can be a time-consuming, poorly paid job. Having been at both ends of the spectrum, the highly leveraged business is much more enjoyable. Here are some of the pitfalls when setting up your own studio:
1. You don’t have a proper business plan of bank approval status - The step up from a corporate job or personal training into running a studio is quite significant. The varied skills required to make the business successful require a team of people to make it happen. Sticking to a set of proven plans and tactics is fundamental to long jeopardy. “Flying by the seat of your pants” does not work in this environment.
2. You plan to do more than 10 hours of PT and basically be a PT under a very expensive rent - Don’t even consider doing more than 10 hours of PT a week otherwise you will set yourself up for failure. This ‘heads down’ approach is very limiting in building a business and likened to a job. Create leverage via a team.
3. You don’t have a line of credit, capital or available cash - “Without a good chunk of money behind you to manage the initial start up costs, you will end up chasing your tail from day 1” says Jeni from Sullivan Dewing Accountants. “ A lack of cash flow is what kills most start up businesses”
4. Failure to invest in staff or team - Should you plan to wear the hat of administration, sales, marketing, accountant, head trainer, customer care officer and cleaner then you are making the common mistake of the rookie studio owner. It is impossible to complete these tasks and have a life outside of your business. The unbalanced nature of living this way will take you down the path of burnout, stress and fatigue.
5. Proper well qualified advice and a support structure - Having a support structure to guide you, give you qualified advice as well as support during the critical first 12 months is key to studio success. On your team of professionals you need an accountant, solicitor, financial adviser and business coach. Your team needs a manager, head trainer, sales person and administration person and of course the best asset in the business is you.
6. You believe location and equipment are the critical things to owning a studio - I recently read a marketing brochure of a poorly run studio and it mentioned “brand new equipment, experienced trainers and great location”. Now if I want to lose weight do I really care about any of the above? My problem is that I am overweight, a brand new treadmill is not the solution, either is the location. So much profit is consumed by expensive rents and key locations which means you need to work harder and longer to make more money all because of the common misconception about location.
7. An agreed formal lease put together with all legal considerations - Understanding that 90% of your clients will be in a 6-12 minute radius of the location you want to ensure some stray clause or a poorly worded lease doesn’t come back to bite you following the building of the business. Ensure you tick the boxes on structuring a formal lease agreement with the landlord.
1. You don’t have a proper business plan of bank approval status - The step up from a corporate job or personal training into running a studio is quite significant. The varied skills required to make the business successful require a team of people to make it happen. Sticking to a set of proven plans and tactics is fundamental to long jeopardy. “Flying by the seat of your pants” does not work in this environment.
2. You plan to do more than 10 hours of PT and basically be a PT under a very expensive rent - Don’t even consider doing more than 10 hours of PT a week otherwise you will set yourself up for failure. This ‘heads down’ approach is very limiting in building a business and likened to a job. Create leverage via a team.
3. You don’t have a line of credit, capital or available cash - “Without a good chunk of money behind you to manage the initial start up costs, you will end up chasing your tail from day 1” says Jeni from Sullivan Dewing Accountants. “ A lack of cash flow is what kills most start up businesses”
4. Failure to invest in staff or team - Should you plan to wear the hat of administration, sales, marketing, accountant, head trainer, customer care officer and cleaner then you are making the common mistake of the rookie studio owner. It is impossible to complete these tasks and have a life outside of your business. The unbalanced nature of living this way will take you down the path of burnout, stress and fatigue.
5. Proper well qualified advice and a support structure - Having a support structure to guide you, give you qualified advice as well as support during the critical first 12 months is key to studio success. On your team of professionals you need an accountant, solicitor, financial adviser and business coach. Your team needs a manager, head trainer, sales person and administration person and of course the best asset in the business is you.
6. You believe location and equipment are the critical things to owning a studio - I recently read a marketing brochure of a poorly run studio and it mentioned “brand new equipment, experienced trainers and great location”. Now if I want to lose weight do I really care about any of the above? My problem is that I am overweight, a brand new treadmill is not the solution, either is the location. So much profit is consumed by expensive rents and key locations which means you need to work harder and longer to make more money all because of the common misconception about location.
7. An agreed formal lease put together with all legal considerations - Understanding that 90% of your clients will be in a 6-12 minute radius of the location you want to ensure some stray clause or a poorly worded lease doesn’t come back to bite you following the building of the business. Ensure you tick the boxes on structuring a formal lease agreement with the landlord.
18 August 2009
remove the sell from selling
Selling is a lot like being single. It is very rare to get lucky on the first night. Alcohol may increase the chances however then it can become a regrettable experience! In fact you are probably setting yourself up for disappointment and failure in trying to get lucky on the first night.
The ‘lucky’ situation tends to be a bit like this. We meet at an event, say a friend’s social engagement, like the look of each other, have a bit of a chat and some fun together and swap phone numbers. Then we text/SMS the next day confirming the fun night and agree to go and ‘do’ coffee. After coffee we swap email addresses and do a Google search on each other that night. When the search proves normal we organise to catch up again on Facebook and ‘do’ a movie. During the movie in the comfort of the darkness we test the boundaries and place a hand somewhere on our new partners body, typically a leg. If the response is good we sit out the movie and maybe have a hug before saying goodbye. From here comes dinner. Now following dinner, with consideration to the four or five previous events, some online searching and the fact the
potential partner keeps turning up, we now have a right to try and get lucky...
Selling is very similar. Why is it in the health and fitness industry we are taught to try and sell our services or membership to people during that first interaction? It is almost offensive. A majority of the time you are selling yourself short and setting yourself up for failure in trying to fast track the clients decision making process. Understanding we are in the ‘information age’ where consumers have more access to knowledge and price than ever before, you need to have a process of letting people get to know you and your business. So the solution lies in using a combination of more online tools and old school skills to help get to the point of asking for the sale.
So why do we go and sell to these people?
In an industry that is very 1980’s in its approach to marketing and selling, relying on expensive brochures, time consuming letter box drops, business cards or a brochure on a wall to grab clients we need to review these styles of marketing and advertising. The 1980’s is best known for the best era of music (completely the authors beliefs), however in the year 2009 we need to review these styles of marketing and advertising. Probably best summarised by asking, when was the last time you responded to a brochure, junk mail in the letterbox, giving someone your business card or a brochure hanging up on a wall? Compare to booking a holiday online, or a Google search for a place to eat or Facebook. Whilst these online places are a great resource for getting to know clients and breaking barriers, a combination of online strategy and old school
techniques insure that you attract sustainable and an ideal client base.
As an industry we are generally better at getting people fit and healthy than understanding how consumers think or marketing techniques. In fact most fitness people can name the best technical workshop they have attended or the name of their health guru but who is your business rock star? Someone you listen to, read their stuff and attend their programs and practise their advice.
It may be old but hey it still works!
Simple communication skills and people skills are completely necessary when taking the sell out of selling. You need to be multi disciplined. So as effective on the phone, face to face or via email. In fact having worked all over the world in developing sales models and teams, the key ingredient in a great sales person is in their ability to communicate. At the next level is their ability to ask leading questions and have a general interest in other people by being able to identify with their needs. Finally is passion for their product or service and a general interest in people. So the ideal combination in successfully selling is a mix of old school techniques of communicating with people and an online forum as a place for people to check you out and get to know your business.
We all want to buy, but we don’t want to be sold too.
Ever bought anything and had buyers remorse. At the time of purchase it seemed logical to buy a particular item and the deal is done. You hand over the credit card and agree to terms. You head home and receive a negative response form your partner; you mention the purchase during a phone call to a friend with more negative responses. That night you find yourself sitting bolt upright at 3am with deep regret, heavy perspiration and an ‘I can’t believe I bought that’ attitude about your latest purchase. This scenario is a ‘sold to’ experience. Typically you have been cleverly persuaded to buy something that you could have done without. This would be typical of most things out there in the market place for sale. The difference with our industry is that we sell health. This impacts the lives of the people we expose better health too, it increases long jeopardy, productivity, adds to happiness, in fact you are better off being in good health than out of bad health. Where we have obesity and ‘diabesity’ epidemics, increase in mental health issues, cancers and more lifestyle disease than ever before, as an industry we need to get better at communicating with the majority of people who need our services. More so than ever before people need us to help with they’re health, but are making it easier to buy into what you do?
The ‘lucky’ situation tends to be a bit like this. We meet at an event, say a friend’s social engagement, like the look of each other, have a bit of a chat and some fun together and swap phone numbers. Then we text/SMS the next day confirming the fun night and agree to go and ‘do’ coffee. After coffee we swap email addresses and do a Google search on each other that night. When the search proves normal we organise to catch up again on Facebook and ‘do’ a movie. During the movie in the comfort of the darkness we test the boundaries and place a hand somewhere on our new partners body, typically a leg. If the response is good we sit out the movie and maybe have a hug before saying goodbye. From here comes dinner. Now following dinner, with consideration to the four or five previous events, some online searching and the fact the
potential partner keeps turning up, we now have a right to try and get lucky...
Selling is very similar. Why is it in the health and fitness industry we are taught to try and sell our services or membership to people during that first interaction? It is almost offensive. A majority of the time you are selling yourself short and setting yourself up for failure in trying to fast track the clients decision making process. Understanding we are in the ‘information age’ where consumers have more access to knowledge and price than ever before, you need to have a process of letting people get to know you and your business. So the solution lies in using a combination of more online tools and old school skills to help get to the point of asking for the sale.
So why do we go and sell to these people?
In an industry that is very 1980’s in its approach to marketing and selling, relying on expensive brochures, time consuming letter box drops, business cards or a brochure on a wall to grab clients we need to review these styles of marketing and advertising. The 1980’s is best known for the best era of music (completely the authors beliefs), however in the year 2009 we need to review these styles of marketing and advertising. Probably best summarised by asking, when was the last time you responded to a brochure, junk mail in the letterbox, giving someone your business card or a brochure hanging up on a wall? Compare to booking a holiday online, or a Google search for a place to eat or Facebook. Whilst these online places are a great resource for getting to know clients and breaking barriers, a combination of online strategy and old school
techniques insure that you attract sustainable and an ideal client base.
As an industry we are generally better at getting people fit and healthy than understanding how consumers think or marketing techniques. In fact most fitness people can name the best technical workshop they have attended or the name of their health guru but who is your business rock star? Someone you listen to, read their stuff and attend their programs and practise their advice.
It may be old but hey it still works!
Simple communication skills and people skills are completely necessary when taking the sell out of selling. You need to be multi disciplined. So as effective on the phone, face to face or via email. In fact having worked all over the world in developing sales models and teams, the key ingredient in a great sales person is in their ability to communicate. At the next level is their ability to ask leading questions and have a general interest in other people by being able to identify with their needs. Finally is passion for their product or service and a general interest in people. So the ideal combination in successfully selling is a mix of old school techniques of communicating with people and an online forum as a place for people to check you out and get to know your business.
We all want to buy, but we don’t want to be sold too.
Ever bought anything and had buyers remorse. At the time of purchase it seemed logical to buy a particular item and the deal is done. You hand over the credit card and agree to terms. You head home and receive a negative response form your partner; you mention the purchase during a phone call to a friend with more negative responses. That night you find yourself sitting bolt upright at 3am with deep regret, heavy perspiration and an ‘I can’t believe I bought that’ attitude about your latest purchase. This scenario is a ‘sold to’ experience. Typically you have been cleverly persuaded to buy something that you could have done without. This would be typical of most things out there in the market place for sale. The difference with our industry is that we sell health. This impacts the lives of the people we expose better health too, it increases long jeopardy, productivity, adds to happiness, in fact you are better off being in good health than out of bad health. Where we have obesity and ‘diabesity’ epidemics, increase in mental health issues, cancers and more lifestyle disease than ever before, as an industry we need to get better at communicating with the majority of people who need our services. More so than ever before people need us to help with they’re health, but are making it easier to buy into what you do?
08 July 2009
you know too much, so use it to make a positive difference
It is not how much you know but what you do with the skill.
Hi, I've just been reading your recent article in the Fitness Life magazine over here in New Zealand. I'm absolutely passionate about fitness and have my own gym set up at home.
I'm currently attending the local tech and doing National Sports and Fitness Level 3. I'm half way through the year with the course. I originally wanted to learn more for my own basic knowledge and be able to write my own programmes up.
From your own personal knowledge what other courses do you recommend I could do to further my knowledge, is there more recognised personal training you would recommend or maybe lead into the nutritionist side of things???? I love to help people. I would appreciate your imput and recommendation. We don't have alot available in Rotorua so I'm even interested in anything online or correspondence.
Look forward to hearing from you.
New Zealand
Here is my response to this common question I receive:
Hi Tania,
Great to get a passionate response and see someone who is very committed to their profession. In going forward I was a bit like you and went on a committed path of doing lots of technical 'heads down' workshops. It was one of my mentors who mentioned that I knew enough! When you consider all the books you have read, the courses you have attended, the google searches and hours of research, you actually know enough. I was of the perception that more knowledge would enable me to help more people. Remember our industry is heavily influenced by a lot of technical workshops and information. So without a disregard to the technical side to what we do, you actually know enough to help the common person out there in general populations. Let's face it they need some help we have an obesity or 'diabesity' epidemic amongst many other health disorders. As an industry we need you in front of more people making a difference. This is a business skill.
So a lot of health professionals follow the traditional path of being technically lopsided. This is not to much of a concern if you are following the employee model however if you are a franchisee, self employed or business owner then this is a concern. In fact, to succeed in this industry it requires a balance of BUT skills. What is BUT? A combination of Business, You and Technical skill. Read my blog on BUT principles by clicking here. In going forward with your years of study and commitment to knowledge and understanding your love to help people, my diagnosis would be to consider putting together a business plan, develop a brand, a website and have a marketing plan and really look to step up as a leader by having a place where people can find you so that you can help them. Initially start one person at a time and build from the bottom up. Adding your own educational workshops, seminars, information products and coaching programs is an exciting way to create change in behaviour and a healthier and more positive difference to the world.
In going forward the best thing you can do is fill in the attached business diagnostic and stock-take and take advantage of our 30 minute complimentary business consultation with a successful PT that will help you and your goals. It is a bit like the safety aspect when flying, the air steward announces "help yourself first so you can help others"
If you to would like a complimentary business consultation please contact our office at
Hi, I've just been reading your recent article in the Fitness Life magazine over here in New Zealand. I'm absolutely passionate about fitness and have my own gym set up at home.
I'm currently attending the local tech and doing National Sports and Fitness Level 3. I'm half way through the year with the course. I originally wanted to learn more for my own basic knowledge and be able to write my own programmes up.
From your own personal knowledge what other courses do you recommend I could do to further my knowledge, is there more recognised personal training you would recommend or maybe lead into the nutritionist side of things???? I love to help people. I would appreciate your imput and recommendation. We don't have alot available in Rotorua so I'm even interested in anything online or correspondence.
Look forward to hearing from you.
New Zealand
Here is my response to this common question I receive:
Hi Tania,
Great to get a passionate response and see someone who is very committed to their profession. In going forward I was a bit like you and went on a committed path of doing lots of technical 'heads down' workshops. It was one of my mentors who mentioned that I knew enough! When you consider all the books you have read, the courses you have attended, the google searches and hours of research, you actually know enough. I was of the perception that more knowledge would enable me to help more people. Remember our industry is heavily influenced by a lot of technical workshops and information. So without a disregard to the technical side to what we do, you actually know enough to help the common person out there in general populations. Let's face it they need some help we have an obesity or 'diabesity' epidemic amongst many other health disorders. As an industry we need you in front of more people making a difference. This is a business skill.
So a lot of health professionals follow the traditional path of being technically lopsided. This is not to much of a concern if you are following the employee model however if you are a franchisee, self employed or business owner then this is a concern. In fact, to succeed in this industry it requires a balance of BUT skills. What is BUT? A combination of Business, You and Technical skill. Read my blog on BUT principles by clicking here. In going forward with your years of study and commitment to knowledge and understanding your love to help people, my diagnosis would be to consider putting together a business plan, develop a brand, a website and have a marketing plan and really look to step up as a leader by having a place where people can find you so that you can help them. Initially start one person at a time and build from the bottom up. Adding your own educational workshops, seminars, information products and coaching programs is an exciting way to create change in behaviour and a healthier and more positive difference to the world.
In going forward the best thing you can do is fill in the attached business diagnostic and stock-take and take advantage of our 30 minute complimentary business consultation with a successful PT that will help you and your goals. It is a bit like the safety aspect when flying, the air steward announces "help yourself first so you can help others"
If you to would like a complimentary business consultation please contact our office at
22 June 2009
listing yourself online
How are you using the internet to market yourself? Are you using individual sites or are there online communities where you can market your services?
If we define marketing, it is the ability to ‘get’ new clients, ‘keep’ clients and ‘grow’ the business then a combination of traditional style marketing like brochures, advertising, business cards and letterbox drops combined with a modern approach of online strategies is an effective way to ‘get’ and ‘grow’ any business.
There are a multiple of strategies that fit into the online strategy. Your key objective is to increase search engine optimisation (SEO) by having a high listing on any of the online searches. Also any great marketing campaign should be measured so that you get an understanding of what works in the market place, so try a variety of techniques.
In getting started in building your SEO a website is a necessity. Now there are two kinds of websites. An expensive brochure that sits on the world wide web or an interactive income producing website. Let’s talk about the later as a much more efficient way to increase online awareness. Income producing websites have information products like audio downloads, e-books, visual downloads, are interactive for the user with blogs, forums or chat rooms, shopping carts to purchase goods and a members section. These allow ‘browsers’ to purchase a wide range of products plus allow a client the chance to get to know your business. A key consideration is ‘key search words’ to help increase SEO. As a personal trainer consider ‘key search words’ that a typical client would type into a search engine like Google with regards to finding a personal trainer. Words like ‘weight loss’, ‘fat loss’, ‘fitness’ and ‘personal trainer’ would be typical words. By including these words on your website, blogs, chat rooms, forums, social networking sites and anything else you have online then you increase your SEO. In answering your question a combination of having your own site as well as sharing information via other sites is a very smart techniques towards building an effective online marketing strategy.
If we define marketing, it is the ability to ‘get’ new clients, ‘keep’ clients and ‘grow’ the business then a combination of traditional style marketing like brochures, advertising, business cards and letterbox drops combined with a modern approach of online strategies is an effective way to ‘get’ and ‘grow’ any business.
There are a multiple of strategies that fit into the online strategy. Your key objective is to increase search engine optimisation (SEO) by having a high listing on any of the online searches. Also any great marketing campaign should be measured so that you get an understanding of what works in the market place, so try a variety of techniques.
In getting started in building your SEO a website is a necessity. Now there are two kinds of websites. An expensive brochure that sits on the world wide web or an interactive income producing website. Let’s talk about the later as a much more efficient way to increase online awareness. Income producing websites have information products like audio downloads, e-books, visual downloads, are interactive for the user with blogs, forums or chat rooms, shopping carts to purchase goods and a members section. These allow ‘browsers’ to purchase a wide range of products plus allow a client the chance to get to know your business. A key consideration is ‘key search words’ to help increase SEO. As a personal trainer consider ‘key search words’ that a typical client would type into a search engine like Google with regards to finding a personal trainer. Words like ‘weight loss’, ‘fat loss’, ‘fitness’ and ‘personal trainer’ would be typical words. By including these words on your website, blogs, chat rooms, forums, social networking sites and anything else you have online then you increase your SEO. In answering your question a combination of having your own site as well as sharing information via other sites is a very smart techniques towards building an effective online marketing strategy.
01 May 2009
read this or die
I have about 15 seconds to keep your attention and get my point across. The headline ‘read this or die’ serves as a teaching purpose that I hope helps you and your marketing. Typically as an industry we suck at connecting with our customers because we talk apples and dumbbells or metabolic syndrome typing phasic holistic blah, blah, blah and completely miss attracting the attention of our market.
Understand it is a lot like the newspaper. As a sports nut I flick the back of the newspaper over and read the headline. 'Cronulla beats premiers' gets me excited and I continue to read on. Why? Well it’s a sport and a team I follow. It is in my interest zone and the headline caught my attention and it deserves my time.
Now look at your last attempt at an expensive brochure, also consider your business card or current marketing campaign. Are you talking apples and dumbbells or metabolic syndrome typing phasic holistic? Sorry you just missed the important 15 seconds of attracting the attention of your market.
'Australia wins gold in synchronized swimming' As I flick over the paper and read the headline I acknowledge a gold medal however my level of excitement for synchronized swimming is a lot lower than that of rugby league. So I turn the paper over and head on off to work.
Who cares if you have new treadmills, the amount of letters after your name, under new management or free session. Your clients want to know what is in it for them!
Consider these headlines 'Want to fit back into your jeans?', 'How to remove the muffin top', 'Your right! Exercise is not fun'. These are examples of sensational headlines that you then need to deliver a reason for connecting with your market. Understand that the headline is just the headline you then need quality content to deliver key words and a marketing message. However put some serious thought into the headline.
Understand your market by connecting with them in their words, not the words of the health and fitness industry and watch your lead generation increase for the market you are trying to attract.
Understand it is a lot like the newspaper. As a sports nut I flick the back of the newspaper over and read the headline. 'Cronulla beats premiers' gets me excited and I continue to read on. Why? Well it’s a sport and a team I follow. It is in my interest zone and the headline caught my attention and it deserves my time.
Now look at your last attempt at an expensive brochure, also consider your business card or current marketing campaign. Are you talking apples and dumbbells or metabolic syndrome typing phasic holistic? Sorry you just missed the important 15 seconds of attracting the attention of your market.
'Australia wins gold in synchronized swimming' As I flick over the paper and read the headline I acknowledge a gold medal however my level of excitement for synchronized swimming is a lot lower than that of rugby league. So I turn the paper over and head on off to work.
Who cares if you have new treadmills, the amount of letters after your name, under new management or free session. Your clients want to know what is in it for them!
Consider these headlines 'Want to fit back into your jeans?', 'How to remove the muffin top', 'Your right! Exercise is not fun'. These are examples of sensational headlines that you then need to deliver a reason for connecting with your market. Understand that the headline is just the headline you then need quality content to deliver key words and a marketing message. However put some serious thought into the headline.
Understand your market by connecting with them in their words, not the words of the health and fitness industry and watch your lead generation increase for the market you are trying to attract.
19 March 2009
income brackets
In going forward here are our solutions to promoting you to the next income bracket:
Income Bracket: $0 - $60,000
Solution: Business Starter Pack, Podcast, Book and Audio Club
Our March Offer: We have 20 complimentary packs to give away, titled 'Your First 20 Clients', simply email the office at Email quick as we are limited to 20 only!
Income Bracket: $60,000 - $120,000
Solution: 6 Figure Group Mentoring
Our March Offer: Sample a group coaching session before you buy. *conditions apply
Income Bracket: $120,000 - $250,000
Solution: Private Mentoring Program
Our March Offer: 2 spots left. Request a matching meeting here.
Income Bracket: $250,000+
Solution: Tailored Program
Our March Offer: Program full until end of March. Please call the office on 02 9690 0503 to have a meeting regarding April and May. This is an exclusive program so please contact to the office to see if you qualify.
Income Bracket: $0 - $60,000
Solution: Business Starter Pack, Podcast, Book and Audio Club
Our March Offer: We have 20 complimentary packs to give away, titled 'Your First 20 Clients', simply email the office at Email quick as we are limited to 20 only!
Income Bracket: $60,000 - $120,000
Solution: 6 Figure Group Mentoring
Our March Offer: Sample a group coaching session before you buy. *conditions apply
Income Bracket: $120,000 - $250,000
Solution: Private Mentoring Program
Our March Offer: 2 spots left. Request a matching meeting here.
Income Bracket: $250,000+
Solution: Tailored Program
Our March Offer: Program full until end of March. Please call the office on 02 9690 0503 to have a meeting regarding April and May. This is an exclusive program so please contact to the office to see if you qualify.
income streams
So here are the initial observations of our report. There are significant income brackets which we have stated in the information below. Look at where you are and consider what you need to focus on in order to go forward.
Income Bracket: $0 - $60,000
Income Streams: 1 Income (eg. PT)
Business Focus: Week to week activity and business success is judged on the number of sessions held
Work Hours: 60 per week
Income Bracket: $60,000 - $120,000
Income Streams: 3 Incomes (PT, Groups, Product)
Business Focus: A month to month strategy building a business that can manage 50+ people
Work Hours: 48 per week
Income Bracket: $120,000 - $250,000
Income Streams: Up to 8 incomes (PT, Groups, Product, Coaching, Website, Lifestyle Programs, Seminars, Information Products)
Business Focus: Annual strategy and a clear set of KPI's. Outsourcing of tasks is common
Work Hours: 35-45 per week
Income Bracket: $250,000 +
Income Streams: Have a business and specialise in one of the 17 income streams
Business Focus: Business legacy and long jeopardy as a business leader
Work Hours: Business owners here are hard to track however observations suggest 4 a week with paid travel
Income Bracket: $0 - $60,000
Income Streams: 1 Income (eg. PT)
Business Focus: Week to week activity and business success is judged on the number of sessions held
Work Hours: 60 per week
Income Bracket: $60,000 - $120,000
Income Streams: 3 Incomes (PT, Groups, Product)
Business Focus: A month to month strategy building a business that can manage 50+ people
Work Hours: 48 per week
Income Bracket: $120,000 - $250,000
Income Streams: Up to 8 incomes (PT, Groups, Product, Coaching, Website, Lifestyle Programs, Seminars, Information Products)
Business Focus: Annual strategy and a clear set of KPI's. Outsourcing of tasks is common
Work Hours: 35-45 per week
Income Bracket: $250,000 +
Income Streams: Have a business and specialise in one of the 17 income streams
Business Focus: Business legacy and long jeopardy as a business leader
Work Hours: Business owners here are hard to track however observations suggest 4 a week with paid travel
17 March 2009
how to get your first 20 clients
Following graduation from your personal training course the challenge most trainers face is getting their first few clients. Understanding most people gain certification with the idea of training people part-time, perhaps in and around another job or second income, the idea of getting to 20 clients makes sense. Consider the income of 20 sessions by $80 = $1600.00 which is a great return for 20 hours worth of work.
So how will you go getting those first few clients?
Traditional models of getting clients are:
- Printing expensive brochures
- Relying on business cards
- Ineffective letter box drops
- Hopeful newspaper advertisements
In an information age these techniques are dead and ineffective in building a business. Chances are if you follow these traditional techniques you will end up buggered, busted and broke.
Effective modern techniques include:
- Social networks
- Search engine optimisation
- Building referrals via allied Health Professionals
- Branding your business
- Websites and database systems
If these are foreign terms then why not get some great information from Australia’s leading personal trainers on how to get your first 20 clients.
We have 20 CD and e-books s to giveaway to help you get started on your first 20 clients. Simply email us at with your postal address!
So how will you go getting those first few clients?
Traditional models of getting clients are:
- Printing expensive brochures
- Relying on business cards
- Ineffective letter box drops
- Hopeful newspaper advertisements
In an information age these techniques are dead and ineffective in building a business. Chances are if you follow these traditional techniques you will end up buggered, busted and broke.
Effective modern techniques include:
- Social networks
- Search engine optimisation
- Building referrals via allied Health Professionals
- Branding your business
- Websites and database systems
If these are foreign terms then why not get some great information from Australia’s leading personal trainers on how to get your first 20 clients.
We have 20 CD and e-books s to giveaway to help you get started on your first 20 clients. Simply email us at with your postal address!
20 February 2009
getting more clients in 2009
A business without a marketing plan is like personal trainer with a tight fitting set of joggers. The business can work but with pain and soreness. Over time it is debilitating. To increase revenue you must be clear on how income will be devised. The title for this is a marketing plan. In PT Plus business coaching groups, we spend considerable time on marketing. These are the revenue building blocks that increase dollars into the business. By planning ahead, we can act now on implementing tactics to ensure that revenue will be met all year round.
What is marketing?
Marketing is the building of a business brand that puts you 'top of mind' of any perspective client. Marketing is the 'get clients' part of a business and a really good marketing plan removes the sell from the selling.
Business on steroids
The businesses that excel in our 6 figure group training programs are the businesses that implement the following marketing strategy. In fact not only do they earn more, they work less because the strategy does the work for them. It is like putting a business on steroids as it exponentially grows.
Annual overview
Pick the big events on the annual calendar and highlight them. Consider Valentine’s Day in February, Easter in March, Mothers Day in May, Fathers Day in September and Christmas in December. Understand that the money is in the air, people are spending it anyway so why not cash in on the spending and contribute to the improvement of the consumers health. Also consider local community events, school functions, sporting events and fun runs. Highlight the dates, then speak to the right people to see if you can add value to an event. Finally consider what you want to earn for the year 2009.
Break it down
With a view to what you want to earn, break the total figure into quarters. So if you want to earn $120,000 for 2009 then $30,000 is what you need to achieve as a revenue goal. The first quarter is January to March. If $250,000.00 is your target then $60,000 is the quarterly goal. By breaking the big total into calendar quarters it is more obtainable. Using the same system break the quarterly numbers into monthly figures. Consider your holidays, public holidays and schools holidays as these may impact or effect your earnings goal.
Monthly tactics
With a view to business revenue for the quarter the strategy needs to deliver dollars each month with revenue. Consider 2 to 3 income buckets for developing the revenue and then add 3 to 5 tactics to ensure revenue is met. A little bit like an insurance policy for your income. Get busy on developing product and putting the business services and products in front of the right people to get the result you want each month. This will set up the business for success by breaking down a bigger income goal into manageable monthly bits.
What is marketing?
Marketing is the building of a business brand that puts you 'top of mind' of any perspective client. Marketing is the 'get clients' part of a business and a really good marketing plan removes the sell from the selling.
Business on steroids
The businesses that excel in our 6 figure group training programs are the businesses that implement the following marketing strategy. In fact not only do they earn more, they work less because the strategy does the work for them. It is like putting a business on steroids as it exponentially grows.
Annual overview
Pick the big events on the annual calendar and highlight them. Consider Valentine’s Day in February, Easter in March, Mothers Day in May, Fathers Day in September and Christmas in December. Understand that the money is in the air, people are spending it anyway so why not cash in on the spending and contribute to the improvement of the consumers health. Also consider local community events, school functions, sporting events and fun runs. Highlight the dates, then speak to the right people to see if you can add value to an event. Finally consider what you want to earn for the year 2009.
Break it down
With a view to what you want to earn, break the total figure into quarters. So if you want to earn $120,000 for 2009 then $30,000 is what you need to achieve as a revenue goal. The first quarter is January to March. If $250,000.00 is your target then $60,000 is the quarterly goal. By breaking the big total into calendar quarters it is more obtainable. Using the same system break the quarterly numbers into monthly figures. Consider your holidays, public holidays and schools holidays as these may impact or effect your earnings goal.
Monthly tactics
With a view to business revenue for the quarter the strategy needs to deliver dollars each month with revenue. Consider 2 to 3 income buckets for developing the revenue and then add 3 to 5 tactics to ensure revenue is met. A little bit like an insurance policy for your income. Get busy on developing product and putting the business services and products in front of the right people to get the result you want each month. This will set up the business for success by breaking down a bigger income goal into manageable monthly bits.
28 January 2009
Blue Ocean Strategy – personal training style
A red ocean personal trainer competes against the tens of thousands of personal trainers in the market for clients by doing free sessions, cutting prices, handing out brochures and trying to get a competitive edge over the next trainer.
Using a blue ocean strategy, with lessons from the must read book 'Blue Ocean Strategy', by W. Chan Kim and Renee’ Mauborgne, a personal training business focuses on making the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for buyers by opening up new and uncontested market space.
Consider what Vision are doing with weight loss and Curves open a store every 4 hours somewhere in the world. Their blue ocean strategy taps into the female clientele, 30 minute workouts and non threatening environment of their gyms.
In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here, companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities, and cutthroat competition turns the red ocean bloody.
Blue oceans in contrast, are defined by untapped market space, demanding creation and the opportunity for highly profitable growth. Most blue ocean businesses are created within a red ocean by expanding existing boundaries like Curves and Vision. Competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set.
Create your Blue Ocean now.
Using a blue ocean strategy, with lessons from the must read book 'Blue Ocean Strategy', by W. Chan Kim and Renee’ Mauborgne, a personal training business focuses on making the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value for buyers by opening up new and uncontested market space.
Consider what Vision are doing with weight loss and Curves open a store every 4 hours somewhere in the world. Their blue ocean strategy taps into the female clientele, 30 minute workouts and non threatening environment of their gyms.
In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here, companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities, and cutthroat competition turns the red ocean bloody.
Blue oceans in contrast, are defined by untapped market space, demanding creation and the opportunity for highly profitable growth. Most blue ocean businesses are created within a red ocean by expanding existing boundaries like Curves and Vision. Competition is irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set.
Create your Blue Ocean now.
21 January 2009
Martin Seligman changed the world of traditional thinking by proving the theory of helplessness. This is an important behaviour to understand if your in business. By containing three different dogs in three different boxes and studying their response to three different circumstances, Martin was able to prove his theory of helplessness.
Circumstance 1: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was able to turn off the shock by nudging the bar with his nose.
Circumstance 2: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was unable to turn off or change the circumstance no matter what he tried.
Circumstance 3: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was given a mixed version of circumstance 1 and 2.
After a few weeks of this 'therapy' all the dogs were put in a small box with sides that allowed the dog to jump out, when probed. Dogs 1 and 3 jumped out of the situation, whilst dog 2 simply gave up and laid down. Seligman had discovered that whenever the efforts to change results seem fruitless the expected behaviour will be to lay down and surrender.
This test was repeated using humans and the exact behaviour was confirmed. Helplessness according to Seligman, sits between pessimism and optimism. For a more detailed overview I suggest reading Seligman’s book titled 'Learned Optimism' for a more thorough overview and detailed explanation. Awesome read.
In striving to achieve business goals, when all around you seems hopeless and there looks like there is no way out you will feel like laying down and giving up. It will be emotion, passion, purpose and desire that drive you from despair. When you feel like you are getting zapped from all directions financially and personally in time consuming activities, it will be the change between the ears that will be the most significant. The lesson is in the journey and quite often we learn the most when we are in tough situations. A common observation of successful business owners is that of having your back against the wall and being in a position of having to fight your way out.
If you find yourself in this position you need to pull yourself up again and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Fight for your cause ethically, stay true to your values and know your on track. Ask yourself, what is the lesson? Then keep on trekking wiser for your journey.
Circumstance 1: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was able to turn off the shock by nudging the bar with his nose.
Circumstance 2: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was unable to turn off or change the circumstance no matter what he tried.
Circumstance 3: the dog when probed with a light electric shock was given a mixed version of circumstance 1 and 2.
After a few weeks of this 'therapy' all the dogs were put in a small box with sides that allowed the dog to jump out, when probed. Dogs 1 and 3 jumped out of the situation, whilst dog 2 simply gave up and laid down. Seligman had discovered that whenever the efforts to change results seem fruitless the expected behaviour will be to lay down and surrender.
This test was repeated using humans and the exact behaviour was confirmed. Helplessness according to Seligman, sits between pessimism and optimism. For a more detailed overview I suggest reading Seligman’s book titled 'Learned Optimism' for a more thorough overview and detailed explanation. Awesome read.
In striving to achieve business goals, when all around you seems hopeless and there looks like there is no way out you will feel like laying down and giving up. It will be emotion, passion, purpose and desire that drive you from despair. When you feel like you are getting zapped from all directions financially and personally in time consuming activities, it will be the change between the ears that will be the most significant. The lesson is in the journey and quite often we learn the most when we are in tough situations. A common observation of successful business owners is that of having your back against the wall and being in a position of having to fight your way out.
If you find yourself in this position you need to pull yourself up again and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Fight for your cause ethically, stay true to your values and know your on track. Ask yourself, what is the lesson? Then keep on trekking wiser for your journey.
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