25 August 2008

circle of trust

I have a favourite scene in the movie 'Meet the Parents' in which the father (played by Robert DeNiro) talks about the 'circle of trust'. His reference to the 'circle of trust' is the people he allows into his life.

Whilst the comedy hits the funny mark it led me to thinking about the circle of trust in our business lives.

Who do you turn to for credible, proven, reliable advice?

In the same way our clients rely on us.

Whilst there is a heap of information on the internet, books, workshops, webinars, teleconferences. For peace of mind, you cannot beat face to face business to give sound advice. In doing this we are building a circle of trust of advisers.

In our personal lives we know the address of our rock stars, we know the birth date of our sporting heroes, and we follow the celebrities on their holidays. Imagine the outcome if we put that same effort into building a circle of trust of business stars.

21 August 2008

the busy badge

There is a great saying “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”. Having worked with CEO’s, senior managers, stock brokers and mums with multiple kids, it has been my observation that busy people have a high rate of achieving success in their jobs, relationships, with their health and the many other areas that occupy their interest.

When your busy you get on a role, creating momentum in a number of different areas in your life.

So if the opposite of being busy is not busy; are we lazy? I know when I am not busy things take twice as long, I procrastinate and my mind plays tricks on my thought processes. Yeah I get lazy.

Be aware of being to busy and leaning towards being overwhelmed as this leads to burnout.

Are you in the business of being busy ON your business or are you busy thinking your busy? Quite often the thought of being busy can lead us to thinking we are busier than what our bank account tells us.

So what are you busy doing?
Get busy on the right things, the things that matter, the things that will get you results and the ones that create happiness.

I recall, wanting to derive an income from writing. For months I thought about what I would write, the title, the pictures and all the other irrelevant components. What I needed to do was get busy writing. It seems kind of obvious in hindsight however the action was seriously lacking because I thought I was busy.

The busy badge has become a very popular trademark. It starts at the point of introduction when asking “so how are you doing?” the common response is “ah I am so busy”. What happened to “ great mate” or “ yeah good” or “life sucks at the moment”. It seems that we are all busy, busy, busy.

So if the busy people are busy getting it done, how are they doing it? Maybe ask a busy person !

12 August 2008

6 reasons why you're a PT

I got started as a PT because I was frustrated at being told where to be, at what time and how much I would be paid.

I wanted to surf more, train harder, become healthier and earn a heap of money doing what I loved as opposed to a job. There was also a burning desire to help others achieve healthy outcomes and to share the great buzz you get from exercise and feeling healthy. From working with 1000’s of PT’s here is what we have established as being the reason you wanted to become a PT.

1. Holidays
2. You love what you do
3. Get paid what your worth
4. Help others
5. It is not a job but a lifestyle
6. Work less earn more

Often we get started with the best intentions however we develop a sickness or a quite winter or maybe a run of cancellations. All of a sudden our income is affected and we lose sight of the reasons for getting started.

Initially great passion and enthusiasm drives us and we march into our business doing what needs to be done in order to survive. See if you only have a PT income chances are that you’re limiting yourself, your income and your opportunity and exposing yourself to an income risk. With a slight shift in game plan, you can develop a multiple number of passive (earn while you sleep) and active (face to face) incomes in areas where your passion lies. Click here to 20 tips to PT success.

Quite often the result is that we are burnt out, buggered and busted if we follow the typical PT model.

When you feel overworked and underpaid chances are it is very hard to make great business decisions. We lose lots of great people in this industry because of the high amount of burnout or PT prostitution.

PT Plus is dedicated to keeping great people like you, following your passion and working towards a high paying income with an amazing lifestyle.

Most people are only exposed to 'other' incomes following income tragedy. Why wait for an income emergency when a small shift in application will open up other worlds of highly paid active incomes and earn 'while you sleep' passive returns.